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White Tea - Know about the White Tea leaves

Experience the most delicately flavored tea from the Camellia sinensis tea plant family. This tea type is cultivated originally in the Fujian province of China and harvested in mid-March to early April. Growing white tea goes back thousands of years ago, during the Song Dynasty in the year 960 to 1279 CE. White tea served as an extravagant piece offered to the emperor of China as a tribute or similar to a tea tax. This Chinese tea custom is a special tradition practiced by tea growers, annually supplying the youngest, newest, and most delicate buds from the tea plants of high quality. Chinese people treated white tea as a form of medicine for centuries, and research today supported this traditional medicine claim. Tea masters made varieties of white tea over the years, giving birth to the silver needle, white peony, Ceylon white, Darjeeling white, and white pu-erh tea blends. Many traditional white teas are still nurtured in the Fujian province but are also cultivated in other countries with the same climate. Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Thailand, and Taiwan also raise and process white tea.

Why is White Tea so rare and expensive?

The specific picking and drying methods make White tea so limitedly produced in the market. White tea is one of the most exquisite tea types, harvested by hand only once a year. Since the harvest season lasts for a short amount of time, it results in a scarce production of White tea compared to other tea types produced by the Camellia sinensis plant. The youngest leaves of the plant and its unopened buds are the sources of White tea's delicate profile. These parts of the tea plant have fine white hairs during this picking season, attributing this feature to the name of White tea. The leaves and buds are dried and withered under natural sunlight right after the picking process, causing them to have light oxidation. High amounts of antioxidants are maintained because of this method. Many people consider White tea a raw tea type mainly because of the minimalistic approach to its production.

What does White Tea taste and smell like?

Making White tea throughout the years required, and still is, exceptional craftsmanship meant to please Chinese emperors and courtesans of the ancient dynasties. White tea showcases a light yellow liquor with a flavorful profile that sends the balance of mild tastes from floral, grassy, sweet, and fruity notes. Its taste may also vary depending on the type of White tea served on your table. A particular variant may possess the flavors of melon, peach, apricot, vanilla, chocolate, honey, and citrus fruits to manifest an invigorating blend to satisfy every tea lover's palate. White tea offers a smooth and airy relish with a light perfume scent that will make you crave for more. White tea is not at all bitter, creating a perfect infusion as it is or a fantastic tea base to complement other ingredients. 

What is the difference between White Tea and regular tea?

White tea is different from other tea types because of the procedure it uses to put up this beverage. Although White tea leaves are gathered from the same tea plant that green and black teas are made from, the white tea type is less processed and evades the oxidation phase in making tea. It carries more healthy antioxidants to the body. Its soft infusion stands out against the bolder blends provided by the rest of the true teas. White tea is an expensive tea product compared to other tea types. Unlike other teas, White tea is not harvested with numerous flushes. Its tea leaves are gathered once a year, resulting in a sparse quantity the world can enjoy but at a lavish price. Know the difference by purchasing plain White tea first in a 1oz. sample size or try its seven other variants also available in trial packs.

Does White Tea have caffeine in it?

Camellia sinensis tea plants tend to have caffeine content, and White tea, coming from this botanical family, is not an exemption. However, White tea is caffeinated more lightly than green and black teas. A cup of brewed White tea provides 6 to 55mg of caffeine, while green tea contains 30 to 70mg, and black tea with 47 to 90mg of caffeine, respectively. White tea has way too low caffeine than a cup of coffee. So if you're looking for a cup of hot tea to help you relax, enjoy your favorite loose-leaf white tea or tea bag regardless of what time of the day it is.

Drink in White Tea's nutritional ingredients and composition

Research finds White tea is a source of phytonutrients called polyphenols which are important compounds to provide health benefits to one's body. White tea's health agents prevent and alleviate chronic health conditions, making life better lived and enjoyed with a cup of tea in one's hand. This tea type doesn't contain only one category of polyphenols but lots of them to guarantee your well-being. The concentration of polyphenols may differ from what green and black teas have. But having white tea's light oxidation assures health-conscious tea drinkers with the highest amount of healthy compounds in an infusion. For that, white tea gives, indeed, value for your money. Here are the nutritional facts you need to know when consuming white tea.


Shield your health from free radicals or unstable molecules produced by oxidation through your body's normal metabolism. Drinking white tea has the most antioxidants than all other tea types available. White tea's antioxidants are in the form of polyphenols, catechins, and flavonoids that have different roles in inhibiting or treating a medical condition within the body. White tea has the biggest concentrations of catechins bearing almost 19% of the antioxidant level and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) with a derivative content of 7.37.%, The catechins present in this tea type are epicatechin gallate (ECG), epigallocatechin (EGC), and epicatechin (EC).


Due to white tea's minimalist processing, tannins inherent in the leaves are not fully developed, causing white tea to contain the lowest tannin count compared to other true teas. This tea's tannin levels range from 0% to 17.43%. The lack of tannin in white tea also results in a less bitter taste infused in your cup. In the scarcity of this compound found in white tea, other polyphenols step up to fill the necessary functions in providing advantageous effects to a tea drinker's health.


Research reports that Camellia tea leaves extract oils with an inherent compound called saponins. Saponins provide strong antioxidant properties in white tea to hunt down free radicals inside the body. These agents promote anti-inflammatory effects and cause to reduce bad cholesterol in your system, which leads to the risks of heart disease and stroke.

Take a cup of White Tea for maximum health benefits

What is White Tea good for?

White tea is good for you in so many reasons. Daily consumption of this soothing beverage enables its polyphenols and other compounds to support a healthy lifestyle. White tea leaves are known to give the most health benefits against the rest of the tea types offered by the Camellia sinensis plant. This tea's composition provides agents to prevent sicknesses and treat existing health conditions. Get to know more about what white tea can do to make the quality of your life better and away from expensive hospital and doctor appointment bills.  

Lower chances of heart diseases and improved cardiovascular conditions

Polyphenols in white tea enable one's blood vessels to relax and reduce bad cholesterols from flowing through your system. The healthy blood flow induced by regular white tea consumption eradicates the risk of contracting heart disease. Having a healthy functioning heart allows this organ to pump blood efficiently and circulate flawlessly, transporting oxygen, nutrients, and health compounds to different areas of the body.

Fewer risks of insulin resistance and diabetes prevention

White tea allows the body to react well to insulin resistance, a hormone that manages a person's blood sugar level. It is important to avoid insulin resistance because it may lead to chronic health issues when not taken seriously. The body's resistance to insulin results in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome. 

Strong bones and Osteoporosis blocker

Don't let the development of Osteoporosis speed up and affect your mobility. Drinking white tea frequently can slow down your body's internal aging, especially your bones. White tea has catechins to block free radicals and harmful cells, making your bones thinner and susceptible to breakage. Hamper fast aging, inside and out, through this healthy beverage that gives numerous advantages to one's entire welfare as well.

Delay skin aging

At some point in life, there will come the aging of your skin and other internal body parts. But one thing is for sure. Everyone will first see the outer manifestations of getting older before they notice your internal aging. Studies reveal white tea's richness in polyphenols contributes to impeding premature human skin aging and protecting the largest body organ's cells from the dangerous effects of environmental factors such as UV radiation exposure. Laboratory studies show that white tea powder is a potent remedy for human skin inflammation brought on by free radicals.

On a strict diet? White Tea is for weight loss

True teas have inherent compounds that have a synergistic effect in burning body fat and enhancing your metabolism by an additional 4% to 5%, equating to further shedding of 70 to 100 calories daily. White tea can help you achieve your weight loss goals. This tea type contains epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG catechins to trigger fat disintegration and inhibit the formation of new fat cells. Claim that slim sexy body soon with regular consumption of white tea and your usual routine exercises.  

Dental health

White tea provides catechins, tannins, and fluoride essential to keep your gums and teeth healthy. These compounds, particularly the catechins, protect the teeth from cavities, prevent the development of plaque on the teeth's surface, and reinforce the enamel that envelops your pearly whites. White tea has the ability to block off acid damage resulting from the buildup of bacteria within your mouth.

Fertility enhancer

Surprising as it may be but white tea improves the chances of conceiving a new human life. This tea type is a potent aid to boost men's reproductive health and fertility. Yes, it's for them! Free radicals create testicular oxidative impairment that affects the quality of sperm to successfully fertilize an egg cell. Raise the possibilities of expanding the family by brewing white tea regularly.

Protection against Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases

Brain health is an important aspect to sustain as every person gets older or factors from society affect an individual. But prevent brain deterioration by adding a cup of white tea frequently to your diet. This tea reduces the risk of getting Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. White tea's compounds stop proteins in the body from joining together to create a mass in the brain.  

Fighting cancer

Studies about white tea report its anti-cancer properties to fight against this detrimental illness using the tea's natural health agents. This beverage is packed with antioxidants, saponins, ursolic acid, rutin, tannin, chlorogenic acid, and chlorophyll components that a study found to eliminate various kinds of lung cancer cells. Frequent consumption of white tea helps hamper the growth and dispersal of cancer cells originating from the colon. Though this tea might be rare and limitedly produced annually, it is the best and most healthy supplement in preventing dangerous diseases to infiltrate people's bodies. 

Savor a shot of the best White Tea types and flavors

Like other true teas, master blenders of this drink had imparted their brilliance in enhancing the rarest tea base into different luscious brews every tea enthusiast could not resist. White tea has a milder taste and delicate aroma than black or green tea. It has a touch of sweetness complementing the acidic notes of grapes, melons, and strawberries, also making desserts such as fruit tarts and pies more delectable. So if the boldness of black tea or the earthiness of green tea's profile is not for you, then white tea is the perfect drink for your distinct palate.

Plain White Tea a.k.a. Silver Needle

The Silver Needle, known as Bai Hao Yin Zhen, is cultivated in China's Fujian province. It is the most prized white tea picked from large, full buds with white, velvety hairs that infuse a silver liquor upon which this tea's name was derived. The shape of the buds must be uniform with long, needle-like silvery tips. The Silver Needle blend does not include stems and leaves. This white tea offers a pure flavor, a light woodsy body, and a sweet floral aroma, making it the most sought-after tea because of its premium quality.

White Peony Tea

The White Peony, called Bai Mu Dan or Pai Mu Tan in Chinese terms, is another variant of white tea with the highest quality apart from the Silver Needle. It is a newer variety of white tea harvested from a Chinese white tea bush. White Peony is blended with unfurled or slightly opened young tea leaves and some buds. This tea is composed of two leaves and a silvery bud that infuses a nutty, sweet flavor and a slightly roasted finish with a little darker-colored liquor. The taste of this tea lasts quite a while on the palate. Come and try it! English Tea Store offers organic Pai Mu Tan in a 1oz. sampler pack so you can explore its taste before ordering in bulk. 

Darjeeling White Tea

Darjeeling White tea is a kind of white tea grown outside China. This tea is harvested from the native tea plants of India's Darjeeling region but processed using the Fujian method. Though the tea leaves undergo the same Chinese procedure, Darjeeling white tea has a different flavorful character. This white tea from West Bengal, India produces a sweet, light, and vegetal infusion highlighted by invigorating floral and citrus notes with a muscatel taste. 

Sowmee White tea

If you enjoy the flavor of Oolong tea, the Sowmee White tea is the best alternative to brew with a white tea base. Its leaves are picked in the latter days of April to June, a reason this tea is regarded as one of the teas deemed with a lower grade. This tea lacks processing and hand selection methods, which appears in the mixture of flaky and flat leaves used to make Sowmee white tea. It has, however, a more notable taste than other white tea blends. Know its distinct quality by ordering a 1oz. trial size available at the English Tea Store.

British Earl Grey White Tea

Have a cup of one of the world's most famous tea blends with a different tea type. British Earl Grey in white tea base is a fabulous infusion having the signature flavor of bergamot oil, a refined citrusy taste, and light astringency. This favorite English tea is low in caffeine compared to the traditional blended black tea and bears the antioxidants you need to fulfill your body's vigor. Its smooth body is highly recommended to serve on any occasion. If Earl Grey black tea is one of your preferred blends, then you'll fall absolutely in love with its white tea variant.

Boil that water in the kettle, and let's brew a pot of White Tea

How to brew White Tea?

Fancy a cup of your chosen white tea blend by infusing one teaspoon of its tea leaves in an 8oz. cup. Add another scoop if you're brewing in a pot. Boil water in the kettle and let it cool down for about 70°C before pouring it over the tea leaves or bag. Don't infuse the tea leaves in freshly boiled hot water, as it burns the delicate leaves and buds, and can void the health benefits the tea promise.

The steeping time varies on the form and composition of white tea inside your cup. White tea leaves need at least three minutes to brew. White tea composed of buds, on one hand, requires five minutes of brewing time, or even as long as 10, because this tea form is much thicker than the leaves. To make sure your infusion does not get too bitter, you have to taste the brewed liquor every half minute after it reached the 3-minute minimum steep duration.

There is no need to add milk to a cup of brewed white tea. Some add lemon, sugar, or honey to enhance the flavor, but tea enthusiasts don't think of it so. Sweeteners and flavor boosters only mess with the exquisite flavor your white tea inherently has. White tea is best served as it is. You can enjoy this blend hot or iced.

Ensure your white tea leaves or bags last long by storing them in an airtight container. Keep them in a dry, unscented, cool section in your kitchen or cupboard. 

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